The air preheater, also referred to as the air preheater, is a kind of preheating equipment that improves the heat exchange performance of the boiler and reduces the heat loss. The function of the air preheater is to conduct the heat carried in the flue gas discharged from the flue at the tail of the boiler to the air before entering the boiler through the heat sink, and preheat the air to a certain temperature.
与比亚迪公司成功完成新能源汽车制造生产所需焊割设备的销售合同,提供TIG-315AC/DC、 Master-500DP焊接设备。
与比亚迪公司成功完成新能源汽车制造生产所需焊割设备的销售合同,提供TIG-315AC/DC、 Master-500DP焊接设备。